"Good fences make good neighbors..." Robert Frost, 1914 "Good fenders make good neighbors... Rick Grimes, 2017 "Fenders" are used to protect your boat from banging into another boat, dock or piling. We are sitting in a marina right now (Le Marin, Martinique) with our puny (but adequate) fenders out on both sides of Rascal. Our neighbors on both sides also have their fenders out. The neighbor on our port (left) side came in yesterday from an 8-day ocean voyage from Cape Verde) with these giant fenders reminding me of the Robert Frost proverb. He's a good neighbor. I have no worries about any damage to our boat if he is blown into Rascal whether sitting, coming or going! Mostly you'll see fenders this big on the mega-yachts and ocean-liners.
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AuthorRick and Linda Grimes bought a sailboat and left the U S of A for the Caribbean in 2015. Archives
April 2018